Dating Valentine

Template Details :

Platform Type Blogger / Blogspot
Template Name Dating Valentine
Instructions URL How to use this template
Template AuthorBuy My Themes
Features2 column, left sidebar, widget ready, share buttons, simple, Pink, Red.
DescriptionsDating Valentine is free blogger templates with three column and with categories love, blue with combination pink as background and compatible on all browser. Very good blogger templates for blog related about love and for you in falling in love. you must try for personal your blog.


  1. salam kenal, saya suka templates nya saya mau tanya, kalo mau buat sperti "template details :" diatas gimana ya caranya?? trims

  2. trims jawabannya mas. oiya, untuk buat page-nya gimana mas, sudah saya coba, tapi muncul kayak postingan image. ada solusinya ga mas? saya ingin buat halaman contact us misalnya dan lain-lain. mohon pencerahannya dan trims tanggapannya :)

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